Roots & Trunks

From the works of Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712), an English physician, vegetable and plant anatomist and one time secretary of the Royal Society. Via the marvelous BibliOdyssey.

Ship x2

Unfortunately, I can't remember where I found this great vintage photo.

Nicholas Jones

This is my third or fourth post about an artist who creates sculpture from books - can't get enough of this beautiful form. (see also: here, here and hey, I could have sworn I blogged about Georgia Russell...
Ephemera interview with Jones, and his website here.


Factory 20

Packing Tape

The screwhead & dovetail tapes
by Sam Johnson and Richard Shed are my favorites, but there are a bunch of printed packing tapes at REUBENMILLER.


No one has called and the shelters are full...
so we're having a dog and kitty showdown.

Kitty is the more fierce of the two and has already drawn blood. Hopefully Louise will give him a wide berth.
I would like some whiskey.

Surprise Guest

Normally I would have been sad to see a kitty looking lost with no tag to call someone, but probably wouldn't have brought her up to endure the wrath of Louise. But tonight she was darting across the street back and forth, and I couldn't resist. Will have to make some posters and figure something out by tomorrow a.m.

Snoop Dogg & Martha

Snoop: "Oh - you want me to take the skizin off of it!"
Martha: "You have your own vocabulary"


A woman from Kiev, Ukraine called
Vera Solntzeva
posted this amazing photo of her Grandparents, taken in 1945.

Ghost Signs

Another mosaic from some of my Flickr Favs.
Check link for attribution and full images.

Art in a Poorer World

I became hooked on bloggingheads tv during the election, when there were a bunch of great conversations between people with radically different views, who kept things mostly civilized and always interesting. I guess bloggingheads is also weaning from a steady political diet, so here's one about art.

This is just a clip, so hit the link above for the rest of the topics.

The crazy illogic of the art market
Should super-collectors usurp museums’ power?
Are art fairs necessary?
How envy created an art bubble
Must art be intellectually hefty to be valuable?
How the economic downturn may produce more artistic freedom



Green Graffiti

Edina Tokodi & József Vályi-Tóth

Paul Curtis (aka Moose)

Reverse Graffiti Project
Link from Abbey Hendrickson @ Aesthetic Outburst

Board Games

via BibliOdyssey

"The New Game of Emulation designed for The Amusement of Youth of Both Sexes and calculated to inspire their minds with an Abhorrance of Vice and a Love of Virtue."
London, 1804

Song of the [new] South

If you're near Atlanta, check out new work by Richard Russell
@ Gallery Stokes November 28 - Dec. 20th.

"This was made using a maple cutting board, part of a minstrel show poster from the 1890's, and a Mexican miniature portrait painted in the mid 1800's. The edges are covered with handwritten lines from a play that sounds like the dialogue in the original Brer Rabbit stories, but not nearly as polite. And of course there's the ubiquitous bluebird of happiness. It hangs from a cheap brass plate-hanger clip."

Camilla Engman

Bring a Friend, 2008

I've been an anxious dog-Mom all week. Louise had blood drawn on Monday and inexplicably started to cry and limp when we got home. She would seem better, then worse - struggling to stand up and really bawling, which is the saddest sound in the universe. Back to the vet, etc. We assume they hit a nerve or something. Fingers crossed, she seems to be much better today, and has a little bounce in her step. Phew.

Lewis Hine, 1912


President-Elect Obama

I avoid writing about politics on my blog because my views don't tend to line up with most people in my life, and it is generally better to stay mum. I had huge criticisms of both candidates, and have enormous admiration for both McCain and Obama. So personally this was never a given. But going to the polls yesterday and seeing the excitement of my neighbors and the emotions of the crowd when Obama won was deeply moving.

This is huge.

[Booker T. Washington, Rosa Parks, W.E.B. Dubois, Thurgood Marshall, Elizabeth Eckard, Birmingham 1963, Martin Luther King Jr., Shirley Chisholm, Barack Obama with his Mother, w/ his Father, with his maternal Grandmother, Toot, and with his family.]